To successfully provide access to the post draft, the preview link you send to people will need to include that query string-otherwise, WordPress will behave like normal and show a 404 page. One minor nerdy technical detail: what’s happening here is that the “Public Post Preview” plugin appends and relies on an extra query string: a bit at the end of the URL, which will typically look something like &_ppp=123abc12. This just depends on how sensitive the content of the unpublished draft is. (Optional) Once you’ve gotten your feedback, you can go back in and disable the “Enable public preview” option for that post.

Send the preview link to anyone you want to share the draft with.To share your draft and let the guest see it, you’ll need to copy that preview link. After you check that box, a text field will drop down with a URL inside of it.In the upper right “Publish” metabox, if you’ve successfully activated the plugin, you’ll see a new option: “Enable public preview.” Check the box to the left of that text.Open its editor view (the screen that lets you add content, publish, etc.). Go to the post (of whichever post type) that you want to share.Install the “ Public Post Preview” plugin.How to Let Selected Visitors See An Unpublished Post on Your WordPress Site, Step-by-Step: This is possible because the command you assign to the shortcut is actually a toggle.Video can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: How to Share a Draft With Anyone In WordPress ()Īnd here is a text guide to the same information. One interesting thing is that when you assign they shortcut in this manner, the same key is used to switch to and from full-screen mode. Press the shortcut key you want to use, such as Alt+S.Place the insertion point in the Press New Shortcut Key box.In the list of Commands, choose ToggleFull.In the list of Categories, choose View.Word displays the Customize Keyboard dialog box. (These are the keystrokes to activate the proper menu choices.) To create your own shortcut, follow these steps: If you'd like to use a keyboard shortcut to enter full-screen mode, one method is to press Alt+V, then U. You exit the mode by either clicking the Close Full Screen button or by pressing Esc. The normal way of switching to full-screen mode is to choose View | Full Screen. For a plain text control, it is ‘Click or tap here to enter text.’. By default, each control has its own filler text. In the example below are two plain-text boxes inserted into a simple table for first name and last name. Word includes a full-screen mode that minimizes the extraneous information (tools, menus, etc.) displayed on the screen. Click on the control and it will appear wherever your cursor was located.